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So that was 2018....

So that was 2018....

So that was 2018...what a year! A year ago we were gypsy brewing - using other people's breweries as and when we could. This year we've spent a lot of...

So that was 2018....

So that was 2018...what a year! A year ago we were gypsy brewing - using other people's breweries as and when we could. This year we've spent a lot of...

Mad Jack Ha'

Mad Jack Ha'

Mad Jack Ha' (or Mad Jack Hall) is our session IPA, a little moreish 3.8%er with Mosaic hops. We made a Christmas delivery to this lovely lady, Hazel last week....

Mad Jack Ha'

Mad Jack Ha' (or Mad Jack Hall) is our session IPA, a little moreish 3.8%er with Mosaic hops. We made a Christmas delivery to this lovely lady, Hazel last week....

BBC Country File

BBC Country File

Surreal but very enjoyable day spent filming in and around the brewery with Steve Fletcher for BBC Country File Christmas special. Started at 7.45am feeding cows spent grain, brewed our...

BBC Country File

Surreal but very enjoyable day spent filming in and around the brewery with Steve Fletcher for BBC Country File Christmas special. Started at 7.45am feeding cows spent grain, brewed our...

Thunderbirds are go!!

Thunderbirds are go!!

We've spent a good few years thinking, dreaming, google searching, talking to brewers, looking down the back of sofas for spare money and of course drinking beer. My head is...

Thunderbirds are go!!

We've spent a good few years thinking, dreaming, google searching, talking to brewers, looking down the back of sofas for spare money and of course drinking beer. My head is...